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Financial/Vendor»Vendor Maintenance»Combining Vendors
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Last modified on 8/29/2012 9:16 AM by User.


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Combining Vendors

The import function attempts to match vendors in different years files by tax id number and then name, but this doesn't catch all duplicate vendors in the system.  For this reason there is a Combine Vendor function that can be called from the main Vendor Screen.  Under the Tools menu there is an option called "Combine Vendor".

When this is clicked it brings up the Combine Vendor Screen.

From this screen, a vendor name can be entered in the Main Vendor side (left) then click tab.  This will search for vendors who has a name similar to the typed in name and display them in the table on the left.  By default, the right side will populate with the same data, but the user can override the results by typing in a vendor name above the list on the right. 


Search for vendors with "abc" in the vendor name:

In the above example, "ABC School Supply" and "ABC Supply" should be the same vendor.  The vendor on the right will be combined into the vendor on the left.  In this case, "ABC School Supply" was determined to be the main vendor so it is selected on the left and "ABC Supply" should be merged so it is selected on the right.  Can only select one vendor on each side.  Once the selections have been made, click Save to combine the vendors.  The screen will refresh showing the updated list.

Notice the "ABC Supply" is no longer listed.  At this point, more vendors can be combined or if done, click the Close button and the main Vendor screen will be populated with the last vendor you combined, in this case "ABC School Supply"