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Fixed Assets
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Last modified on 1/5/2015 1:05 PM by User.

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Fixed Assets

Fixed Assets


Fixed Assets application manages inventory for the equipment, building and land the school district owns.  


Main Window


Search, searches equipment by default.  By clicking the 'Options' button, you can select to search any combination of 'Equipment', 'Building' or 'Land'.  The search will look in the asset tag, project, description,  voucher, po_number, serial_no, model_no, account_code, vendor_name. It will do partial matches and find any item that matches these fields.

It sill load all the results into a dialog that shows, the Asset Tag, Project, Type, Description and School Name. It will load the first result in the main window as read only.   To be able to edit the entry, please see the section 'Updating' later in this document.

The main window will always show the Acquisition Month and Year in the upper left and the upper right will tell you what type of of asset this is.

Main Tab

The main tab is a description of the item.  For equipment it will show the Inventory Number, Model Number, Serial Number, Parent, Responsible Person, Responsible Group, Building Name and Room number.  In addition to the po number, voucher, vendor, description, cost, functional use, useful life, book value, accumulated depreciation, salvage method, coding,  comments, acquisition-disposal method and dates.


The history tab shows changes in location, building/room, responsible person/group, condition, comments and if the update was an inventory update or not.

When you enter a new Item, you only need to choose the type and fill in an unique inventory number along with the acquisition method and date.  This is the minimal amount of info you need to add. 


To update, you search for the item you're looking for then load it into the main window.  Select 'Edit Item' from the Fixed Assets menu, then edit as you see fit.  Clicking save after you're done editing will save the changes and reload the item with the new saved data and make it read-only again. You will need to select 'Edit Item' again to make any changes to the same item after each save.


Printing will print a "Capital Assets Inventory and Disposal" form for use when moving or disposing of an asset.


Inventory Control

Inventory Control is a separate application for facilitators to use to scan/manage items at their locations.   When Inventory Control opens up, you get a spreadsheet like interface. The person doing then then entry just needs to either scan or enter the inventory number. Then it will fill in the data that's saved about the item.  The person can then edit the location, building, room, person and group responsible for the item and edit the first one and make them the same for each one. Once the items are saved it is cleared and a fresh table is set up and ready for them to enter more items.  Once saved, this will update the inventory mark and the date it was inventoried and visible on the items history tab in the Fixed Assets table.   

When the item is edited through this window it's always mark it as 'Inventory Performed'.  There is no changing that. 

The Add/Remove Row buttons add a new row to the bottom of the list and remove row, removes the current selected row.  
