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Physical Records Inventory
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Last modified on 6/24/2016 12:19 PM by User.


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Physical Records Inventory

Physical Records Inventory is where the data for storage boxes of retained records is kept.  The YEMMC staff can see all of the boxes.  Other users with access can only see the boxes owned by their own department.


The main screen for Physical Records Retention (above) will show all of the boxes you have access to.  You can sort the screen by each of the columns.  The last action on each box is shown.  Boxes that aren't physically at the warehouse will be highlighted on the screen.  You can search for words in the contents.

Destroyed boxes don't show in the regular list.  You can show Destroyed by clicking View and then Show Destroyed.  If you'd like to see only Requests (boxes that you've requested to be Added, Returned or Delivered), click on Show Requests Only.  To see the normal list, just un-check the show option.

All of the actions are available to you by right-clicking on the box you want to access.


If you Request Box, the system will send an email to YEMMC requesting the box, and they will deliver it to you.   When you are done with the box, click on Return Box, and the system will send an email to YEMMC asking them to pick the box up.

If you have a new box you want to add to the inventory, click Add New Box and the following screen will appear. 

Once you have filled in the information and saved it, the system will ask you if you want to print the  Record Retention form for you to tape to the box.  You can also print the label later by right-clicking on the line and clicking Print Box Label.  The system will send an email to YEMMC asking them to pick up the box.  You can view an example of the label at physRecordsLabel.pdf.

If you want to see the history of a box's movement, click on View Box Info.

This shows you where the box has been, and allows you to change the Destroy Date.