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Time Clock System Troubleshoot…
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Last modified on 8/17/2017 8:16 AM by User.

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Time Clock System Troubleshooting

This guide is meant for first line support technicians having questions from end users about the time clock/time punch system.

First understand the general overview of the system, by viewing this PDF:


Everything in the timeclock system is effectively real-time .  There could be a maximum of about a 1 minute delay, just depending, because there are a few processes involved which is mentioned in the Overview PDF, and detailed below.

How compass gets users and jobs onto timeclocks so they can be enrolled and can punch in:

HR and Payroll make all the necessary changes in Compass to get a person access to a timesheet and of course access to timeclocks, they are the gatekeepers.  Specifically they need to be active employees with a payroll(wage) record, a valid timeclock location, etc.  Details can be gotten from reaching out to Human Resources/Payroll.

Once they have made their necessary changes, the Compass Rules process will do any timeclock specific updates and they will show up on this list: Once on this list, the Compass easyclocksync process will push the data to the vendor computer systems (using a vendor supplied API), essentially in real-time.  The list we provide and the easyclock webUI should be 100% in-sync at all times, if it isn't it's a Compass or Vendor failure. Once the Vendor's system has the changes, the vendor's system will update the timeclocks as appropriate(this is an opaque to us process).

How compass gets punch data from the timeclocks to the timesheet:

A user punches, and the timeclock updates the Vendor's computer system.  The Compass process easyclockpunch runs continuously using the Vendor supplied API asking for new, unseen punches.  When it sees a new punch, it updates the Compass system with the new punch(by updating the production database tables), and they are immediately available for the webportal system to view.  This list ( shows the last time the easyclockpunch process saw a punch from a given timeclock.


Update: You should probably use the web portal's new admin feature for this, instead of the queries listed.. more details about the web portal admin feature here:

If you login to the webportal( under TimeSheets, you should see a new option labeled 'Admin'. You can also get to it directly as well ( Obviously you have to be a TimeClock Admin for it to work. This page should pretty much replace the 2 query pages from before, plus give you a lot more information. Try it out! It should pretty much be your go-to page for figuring out why X person does not work with the timeclocks. If you find it missing something, please let the compass team know, and we will work on it!

Also, if everything looks good on this page, but you're still having an issue on the time clock, let us know. This data is on from the Compass side, and it *should* be the same on the time clock. Some detailed notes: "Jobs": Multiple values are possible, if they have multiple jobs. Values: Job: is the job name as it should appear on the clock. Timeclock Checked: is a boolean (either True or False) on if that job can use the timeclock. "Timeclock Access, in order of last used": The last used is the last time that time clock was recognized with a punch by the employee. It also shows all time clocks the employee has access to. Values: Time Clock: The Description and Serial Number of the timeclock Last Used: Date/
Time of last time compass has seen a punch from this timeclock. "Services": is the 2 key processes that run and manage the data to/from the Easyclocking System, and which node(s) they are running on. Values: easyclocksync: The process that sends data from Compass to Easyclocking easyclockpunch: The process that retrieves data from Easyclocking to Compass. node: The hostname of the machine currently running the process.


User Questions and Answers

How do I use the timeclock?

See our guide here. If you are part of the beta testing of the mobile app for timeclocks see here.

"I clocked in, but it does not show on my timesheet".

It can take a minute for the timesheet to notice and display, it's not instant, see the overview above, for why.  Find out what time/date they say the punched and then check this live, real-time report: (Authentication required, contact Compass team for access). 

This shows the last recorded punch for a particular time clock.  If the user says they punched in sometime before the last punch time, then the system never recorded the punch, or something super-evil is happening and you should talk with the Compass team once you can repeatedly and reliably make it happen.  99% of the time, the user probably just didn't record the punch correctly.  If the user punched in sometime after the last known punch, then 1 of two things happened:

1) The system just hasn't gotten around to noticing the new punches yet or 2) the system that does the noticing is broken. 

If all the punches seem to be "behind" in punch time noticing (since we collect from all the timeclocks at once), then it's likely #2, definitely contact the compass team. Our system(s) should notice when this happens automatically and send us scurrying to fix the system, but that doesn't mean it's always automatic.

You can also look on the vendor's site,  (Authorization required, contact the Compass Team for access) If the punch shows there, but not on the employee's Compass time sheet, something is definitely wrong with syncing the two systems.  Contact the Compass Team.

"I cannot clock in."

If the user can not clock in, because the clock is like wait, WHO are you!@?  or does not show their correct job information, or something like that, then you should visit this live, real-time report: (Authentication required, contact Compass team for access). It's a long report, use your browser(s) search function(typically control + F ) to find your specific employee.  This shows you the employee and the time clock(s) they have access to.  A user can be listed multiple times, one per time clock.  The Description field is the name/description of the time clock.  If they show up in this list, but the timeclock still says NO I don't know who you are, then contact the Compass Team, it's likely an issue with our Vendor (EasyClocking) or an issue with our sync software.  If they do not show up in this list, then you need to contact HR (or someone with equivalent access in Compass).   The employee's Work Location may be incorrect.  If the employee needs access to additional clocks, Human Resources can also fix that.

If the employee shows correctly on the above report, but still can't clock in, check on  (Authorization required, contact the Compass Team for access) If the employee doesn't show up there, contact the Compass Team, because there is a problem with getting the data correctly synced to EasyClocking.

Student Workers, and other odd groups of employees are all supported by Compass.

The Clock is Broken, Off, spitting Fire or otherwise clearly misbehaving.

The Compass team is not responsible for individual clocks and getting them connected to the Vendor's system(s).  See the YETC Helpdesk or a YETC admin type for who is currently in charge of that. If it's actually spitting fire, we recommend using a fire extinguisher first.

For all policy related questions, refer the user to Human Resources/Their Supervisor.

For all other technical issues related to Compass, contact the compass team (email: